Sample 3D Renderings for Joe Giangrasso

I created a sample of a small boy's room. It was done unsing 3D Studio Max 2.5 and a toon renderer to make it have the look and feel of cartoon. This can be adjusted in various ways, including the thickness and intensity of the lines, shadows, and specular high-lights which affect the color tones. It can also be mixed with more 3D looking objects, or realistic looking objects. Either way, there is alot of control of the look, feel, and coloring of each object, as well as the whole scene.
    Some of the advantages of doing scences like this in 3D over 2D:
  1. Re-use of elements and whole scenes
  2. Easily add lighting effects
  3. Taking shots from any angle
  4. Easily changing the look and feel

Below you will find links to both a sample movie file (in MOV format) and larger still shots from the same movie.

Sample MOV Movie (1.81 MB) 320x240 @ 15 fps
Sample frames are 640x480 JPG's

Frame 00 (52kb) Frame 20 (53kb) Frame 37 (42kb) Frame 68 (56kb) Frame 74 (51kb) Frame 99 (47kb)